How to restore a meadow
Wildflowers that tolerate slightly more fertile grassland
Advice notes on selecting wild flower species for sites with higher nutrient levels, and differing moisture levels
How to grow wild flowers
Webpage with detailed advice on how to collect and sow wildflower seed including where to source the seed; planting and propogation; links to creating a wildflower patch or meadow advice pages
Lessons learnt collecting, storing and spreading seed
Tips from past experience in the methods of collecting and spreading wildflower meadow seed. Topics covered are brush harvesting, hand collection, storing the seed and methods of spreading.
Lessons learnt sowing seed
An advice note about ground preparation and three different methods of sowing seed including hand-sowing, using a seed fiddle and a culti-pack seeder.
Seed sources TIN038
Wildflower and grass seed is used widely in agri-environment schemes for enhancing existing species-poor grassland or for creating new species-rich grassland, field margins and beetle banks. This note provides guidance on how to select the most appropriate source for specific sites and situations.