Creating an upland hay meadow or wildflower plot

A short information leaflet to support those interested in creating an upland hay meadow or wildflower plot

Creating Coronation Meadows

Webpage with a 9 step guide on site selection, ground preparation and re-seeding, to create or restore a wildflower meadow on a smallholding of farm.

Grassland restoration and creation... for bumblebees

A factsheet on the restoration and enhancement of existing permanent grassland; both arable and non-arable. Advice on land suitability and future management is also included.

Hay Time Project

An overview of the restoration project, including why and what was carried out

Restoring and managing your hay meadow

Simplistic step-by-step instructions for restoring a hay meadow and including a 'hay meadow year' diagram explaining how to manage a hay meadow throughout the year.

Wildflowers that tolerate slightly more fertile grassland

Advice notes on selecting wild flower species for sites with higher nutrient levels, and differing moisture levels

A step-by-step guide to upland hay meadow restoration in the North Pennines

A report presented as a series of steps detailing the approach taken to survey meadows, identify seed "donor" and "receptor" sites, manage harvesting and spreading operations, monitoring and reporting.

Creation Methodology and Management of Coronation Meadows

Webpage giving an overview of restoration methods of existing grassland, including ground preparation, use of green hay, seed addition and the reasons for each method used, followed by a general description of future management.

Hay Time - project report 2012-2014

Project document for the first phase of Hay Time on Bowland. Covers methodologies used for survey and restoration; details sites covered in the project; work on public access to meadows; events undertaken; traditional skills development and volunteering.

Hay Time final report 2012

An overview of the Hay Time project from its launch in May 2006 to the end of the project in December 2011. It explains why the project was set up, what it aimed to do, how it did it, what still needs to be done.

Hay Time Highlights (2006-2012)

Short report documenting the actions and achievements of Hay Time - North Pennines; descibes methods of harvesting, spreading surveying and monitoring including results and furture recommendations.

Networks 4 Nectar - project report 2014 - 2016

Project report for N4N. Covers methodologies used; sites included in the project; case studies x4; public participation in the project.

The impact of green hay addition to upland hay meadows in the North Pennines through the Hay Time project (2006-2012).

A scientific report on the impact of green hay addition following baseline and repeat botanical surveys. Includes methods used for green hay addition, and analysis of the results.

How to grow nectar flower mixtures (TIN094)

Advice on sowing wildflower seed

How to grow wild flowers

Webpage with detailed advice on how to collect and sow wildflower seed including where to source the seed; planting and propogation; links to creating a wildflower patch or meadow advice pages

Lessons learnt collecting, storing and spreading seed

Tips from past experience in the methods of collecting and spreading wildflower meadow seed. Topics covered are brush harvesting, hand collection, storing the seed and methods of spreading.

Lessons learnt sowing seed

An advice note about ground preparation and three different methods of sowing seed including hand-sowing, using a seed fiddle and a culti-pack seeder.